
Grade 2 Team Plan
Eugene Coste School
March – June 2017

English Language Arts

Working with Words
-Punctuations (capitals, periods, commas, apostrophes, exclamation points, question marks, commas – use in lists)
-Grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives, word endings – s, ing, es, y, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms)
-Phonics (vowels, consonants, consonant blends, digraphs, clusters)
-Spelling (sight word practice, word wall)
-Personal dictionary practice and use
-Rhyming words (letter sounds)
Reading Comprehension
-Teacher reading
-Practice silent reading in 25 minute blocks
-Guided Reading
Story Time
-Picture books
-Novel Study
-Fairy tales
     -Modeling Reading Comprehension skills

-Complete and combined sentences
-Appropriate sentence starters
-Description in writing
-Creating beginning, middle and ends in stories (using fairy tales as examples)
-Organizing facts/information using graphic organizers
-Oral and dramatic presentations
-Shape poems
-Simile and Metaphors
-Book Summary (Robert Munsch)
-Book Report (Robert Munsch)
-Dr Seuss Author Study
-Limerick poetry
-Directions (recipes)
Reading aloud and group work
*Integrated in all subject areas
Reading Comprehension/Story Time
-Teacher reading
-Fairy tale features
-Practice silent reading in 25 minute blocks

Spanish Language Arts

La casa
-Los lugares de la casa
-Objetos de la casa

La Primavera
El estado del tiempo, la ropa, los deportes, las actividades y los animals.

Verbos: Estar, Vivir

La comida
-La pirámide de los alimentos
-La buena nutrición; comida saludable y n saludable
-El restaurant

El Verano
-El estado del tiempo, la ropa, los deportes y los animals
Verbos: Comer, Beber, Cortar, Preparar, Gustar, Pedir, Querer

Boats and Buoyancy
-Recognizing materials that float and sink
-Manipulating floating materials (make sink, make float)
-Experiment with floating objects
-Experimenting with floating device that is stable (how to make it stable)
-Experiment with floating device that carries a load
-Recognize waterproof materials to construct a floating device
-Recognize whether rigid or flexible materials are more effective for a floating device
-Experiment with a floating device that can be propelled through water
-Design and create a floating device
-Demonstrate knowledge of created floating device and explain what was created and why
-Identify where magnets are used in the environment
-Distinguish materials that are attracted to magnets and those that are not
-Recognize iron fillings and steel attract magnets and identify metal and nonmetallic objects
-Recognize that magnets have positive and negative poles (polarity) that attract and repel
-Design a device that uses a magnet for a purpose
-Understand that most materials are not affected  by magnet (paper, plastic, etc.) and magnets can work through these materials.
-Compare and measure the strengths  of different magnets and the properties of why they may be stronger/weaker
Small Crawling and Flying Animals
-Determine local small animals and insects
-Compare and contrast 3 or more insects (invertebrates) – spider, worm, centipede (Incl. parts of body, habitat, food sources and defensive mechanism)
-Identify small animals place in the food chain (decomposers and plant eaters)
-Understand the relationship between small animals (3studies) to humans, food chain and the environment
-Defensive mechanisms to avoid predators –camouflage, flight, keen senses, burrows
-How to care for small animals (class pet –fish, frog, etc.)
-Identify how animals are helpful/harmful to humans and the environment

Social Studies
Acadian Community in the Maritimes
-Provinces in the maritime region and their physical geography
-Major bodies of water in the region
-Food sources and its relation to geography
-Recreation and its relation to geography
-Languages spoken in the region
-Places and Symbols that represent the community
-Traditions and celebrations
-Who developed these communities?  How are they connected?
-Natural Resources found in the region
-What make this community special?
-Who settled here?
-Who were the first people to live here? (aboriginal groups)
-Transportation, schooling, housing
-Legends and Stories
-Playing cultural games
Measurement (Shape and Space)
-Days of the week
          - 1 and 2 digit add and subtract
         -Regrouping continued
         -Months of the year
         -Relate days of the week and months of the year in problem
          solving contexts
        -Relate the size of a unit to the number of units to measure
         length and weight
        -Compare and order objects by length, height, distance
         and mass
        -Measure length to the nearest unit using multiple    
-Demonstrate the moving, turning, flipping and object does not change its measurements (ex. Water indifferent containers, rotating solid objects, etc.)
-Word problems

Statistics and Probablilty
-Gather data about friend’s likes and dislikes
-Answer questions with recorded data
-Interpret graphs (bar and pictographs)
-Construct bar graphs and pictographs with data to solve problems
-Word problems

-Word problems – solving and creating
-1 and 2 digit addition and subtraction
-Skip counting (forward and backwards)
-Even/odd numbers
-Increasing and repeating patterns
-Graphing (bar and pictographs)
-2-D and 3-D shapes

January – March Newsletter
Grade 2
Eugene Coste School


Working with Words:
-Punctuation (periods, commas, apostrophes, exclamation points, question marks, commas – use in lists)

-Grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives, capitals, word endings- s, ing, es, y, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms)

-Phonics (vowels, consonants, consonant blends, digraphs, clusters)

-Spelling (sight word practice, word wall
-Rhyming words (letter sounds)
-Nouns, verbs, adjectives
-Reading Comprehension
    Story Time
-Picture books
-Introduction into informative books
-Modeling Reading and comprehension skills
-Picture books and short novels
- Elements of a short story: Setting, Characters, Plot, Problem and Resolution

-Complete and combined sentences
-Appropriate sentence starters

-Description in writing

-Paragraph organizers

-Oral and dramatic presentations

Exploring Liquids
-Characteristics of water and other liquids -Comparisons between water and other liquids -Absorption
-Containing liquids
-Cooling and heating water (freeze, steam, evaporation) -Methods of drying liquids (water)
-Importance and necessity of water to living things and nonliving things.
-Human responsibilities for maintaining and protecting clean water supplies.
-States of water (liquid, solid, gas)

  1. Mathematics:

Number Sense: 
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Place value
 Measurement (Shape and Space)
-Days of the week
- 1 and 2 digit add and subtract

-Regrouping continued
 Months of the year

-Relate days of the week and months of the year in problem solving contexts

-Relate the size of a unit to the number of units to measure length and weight

-Compare and order objects by length, height, distance and mass

-Measure length to the nearest unit using multiple copies/iteration
-Demonstrate the moving, turning, flipping and object does not change its measurements (ex. Water indifferent containers, rotating solid objects, etc.)
-Word problems
La Familia
·      abuelo(a), madre,
padre, hermano(a), tío(a), primo(a), padrastro, madrastra, hermanastro(a)
Estación: invierno
   El estado del tiempo, la ropa, los deportes,las actividades y los
Verbos: ser, tener
Adjetivos: Para describir el físico: grande, pequeño(a), alto(a), bajo(a),
rubio(a), moreno(a), gordo(a), delgado
Estructura de oraciones:
·      Mi mamá es…
·      El pelo de mi mamá es…
·      Mi mama tiene… 
     Cancionero: silabas con : l. n, ñ, r, v, g
·      Poemas
·      Canciones
·      Rimas, adivinanzas y trabalenguas.
Social Studies
The Arctic:
-       Explore the geography of an Inuit Community
-       Explore the cultural characteristics of an Inuit Community
-       Explore the economic characteristics of Canadian communities.
-       Understand the geography of the land and the people of Inuit community
-       Explore culture in Canadian Communities
-       Explore Natural Resources in Canadian Communities
-       Appreciate how aboriginal histories affect my community

Noviembre- December plan for Grade 2

Spanish and English language Arts

The students will continue  working on the following skills

-Writing complete sentences with accompanied pictures
-Punctuation (capitals, periods, commas).
-Grammar (word endings – s, ing, es, y)
-Phonics (vowels, consonants, consonant blends, diagraphs, clusters)
-Rhyming words (letter sounds)

Integrated Science, Social Studies, Math, Spanish theme focused on learning about weather. They will be charting the daily weather for Calgary, Saskatoon, and a city in Latin America. They will compare and contrast the different weather for these cities, and what would be appropriate clothing to wear.

Social Studies
We will be studying the Canadian Prairies  Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba.
-The kids will be working on a “Prairie Alphabet” and write a list of things found in the prairies such as;
A is for Alberta,  B is for Blackfoot, C is for Calgary…
-Recognize the importance of a compass rose on a map
-Become familiar with the geography of the Canadian prairies
-Recognize the importance of a map legend and how to use it.

Number Review
Basic addition and subtraction (with pictures, using fingers, and counters)
-Counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.
- Numerical Patterns - Crescent and decrescent 
AB Patterns with shapes and colors
Sorting and describing 2D and 3D shapes

Patterns and Relations
-Understanding, extending and creating repeating patterns using manipulatives, drawings, actions etc.
-Understanding and demonstrating increasing patterns (numbers up to 100)
-Sorting objects using 2 attributes and explaining the sorting rule
-Understand and explain the = sign
-Understand greater than, less than, backwards, by 2s, 4s, 5s, 20s, 25s
- Tens and ones

Mandala project
“Selfie” project (All about me)
Practice for Christmas concert/ Songs

Goal- oriented
Stick and puck

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